Sunday, December 16, 2012

This is going in Joseph's stocking

 Merry Christmas! This is as good as we could get with no one behind the camera. The picture below is when Jason was behind the camera getting Joseph to smile and I am on the floor holding Joseph in place so that he doesn't fall.
 There is something about wrapping that this little boy loves. Saltines, ramen noodles etc...


Here is Joseph's favorite toy at home..... any phone he can get his hands on. :)

                            This video is of Joseph's new favorite toy at Grandpa Lemon's.      

Mentos the breath freshener. Something about noise that this little boy loves.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Laughter is the Best Medicine

 On Dec 1st, for our anniversary, we went to "The Garden" restaurant and saw the lights at temple square. It was wonderful to have Joseph with us. It has been two years since we were married. It has been wonderful.

 I went to put Joseph into the car and he sneezed, I responded with a bless you. He started laughing. I was able to get his laugh on video. Here it is.....

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

He has a lot to say

Joseph has a ton to say on Friday the 7th, here is the most recent video. He flaps his arms as if he is going to fly away (he does this a lot). A few months back he was into shaking his head no, now it is up and down. Enjoy!

Physical Therapy

Some of you are aware that Joseph goes to therapy for his left Torticollis. His left neck muscle is tighter than his right. He use to have his head tilted to the left and his chin towards is right shoulder.
We have not been to the PT in 2 months, his previous PT(Katlin) quit and got a new job in Salt Lake, unrelated to children. It was a sad day, we really loved her. Katlin was a wonderful therapist who genuinely cared for Joseph's development. Yesterday was our first day with Lori, nice therapist, She examined him and is worried that he is still not rolling over. She feels that the reason for this is because of his torticollis. She said it is very difficult for him 1- because he doesn't have full range of motion to turn to his left and 2- his right neck muscle doesn't have a ton of strength because he has been favoring his left. After an hour of intense crying he feel asleep as soon as we got to the car. It was a traumatic experience for both of us. Our next visit in on the 14th of January and our goal is to have him rolling over on his own as well as have full range of motion, which is 180 degrees to the left (his chin over his shoulder). Wish me good luck, he hates the stretches.
We did these same stretches when we started PT three months ago. I started out singing to him as we did the stretches (we were asked to do them three times a day three times each time). He was fine for two full sets. Then he caught on to what I was doing and would get upset. Joseph is so smart, I continued to change my strategy/approach but each time he knew what I was up to. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and slowly did less and less of them, oops. I should have not done that. I will try to stay strong this time!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Beginning

I realized that most of my family in Florida has no idea what Joseph is up to. Thanks to Brittany and Tony Roring (sister and brother in law) I have decided to create a blog so that I can post pictures and movies for those of you who live far away and for anyone interested who is close by.