Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Build-a-Bear Workshop

 Grandma took the boys to build a bear when Jack was visiting in November. We helped Joseph pick out his bear he wanted stuffed. The minute he touched this bear he giggled and laughed  He did not do this for any other bear. He giggles to this day when he sees and plays with his build a bear. 

First the bear had a voice recording place in it's palm. It says "Joseph grandma loves you." Then the bear was stuffed (on the left). Joseph then got to test to see if it had enough stuffing in it, of course with his eyes on the girl who stuffed it the entire time with a grin. 

 Once both bears where stuffed, Joseph and Jack gave their bears a good washing. The bath the bears got was forced air instead of water. Joseph and Jack enjoyed themselves a lot.
 Then they had to wait a month to receive this wonderful bear from grandma on Christmas day.

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