Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mr. Independent

Joseph is becoming independent. He tries so hard to hold everything; the sippy cup, the spoon, the bottle. For the most part he is successful. The funniest thing was how he became totally independent with the bottle. We would hold him as he drank his bottle, then about two months ago he started doing a dance on our lap. Jason would get a little annoyed and laid him on the floor next to him and he started laying still, for the most part. Joseph couldn't be happier! 

       He started to roll over on his own about a week before Christmas.  He would roll onto is stomach and back to his back, there really was  no great distance for a couple of days now he is rolling like a pro. This first picture is of where Joseph was at before I left the room and the second picture is where he was when I returned, less than five minutes later.  

 If you can't tell he went after my shoe, apparently he wants to wear it. :)

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