Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tidal Basin Walk

Joseph and I were able to go and visit the Roring (Tony, Britt & Jack) Family in Virginia. We really had a good time. I was sad to go but I was excited to see Jason. 

We were able to do some sight seeing. We first went to the Tidal Basin. It is a walk with the Jefferson, Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr. Monuments. 

Behind us is the Jefferson Monument.

Behind us here is the Washington Monument that you can see from the Tidal Basin walk. 

 They were good friends in this picture. YEAH!!


There were some beautiful waterfalls at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Monument.

Joseph had a good time and I loved the feelings that were at these monuments! 

Care Package to Jordan 4/13

Jordan's First Care Package to the Missionary Training Center
Sent Saturday April 13th 

We decided it would be fun to send him some of his favorite treats with scriptures to match the treat.

Joseph was my little helper with the tape. He was having a grand old time. I love this boy so much. 

April 12,2013 Joseph's Birthday day

Joseph's REAL birthday. April 12, 2013

 Joseph's Present from Aunt Leslie and Uncle Bill from Florida. 

Thank you Leslie and Bill for the wonderful gift.
 Great Grandma Lemon took Joseph out on his Birthday to Olive Garden and Bought him a White Chocolate Strawberry Dessert. He loved it.

 Grandma Lewis came by in the morning to wish Joseph a Happy Birthday. 

 When Jason got home we went to Bella's to celebrate Joseph and Maria's Birthday's. We had Ariel as our server. (she did a wonderful job.)
Don made the guacamole fresco, it was delicious.

Of course the hats and the song. 
Happy Birthday Joseph and Maria! 

Jordan's Farewell and Maria's Birthday

Tuesday April 9th. We got together for Jordan's last night home and had his favorite dinner, Corn beef and cabbage. We went to witness him being set apart as a missionary for the next two years and then came to our place afterwards to watch Maria open her birthday presents early.

 She got pink heart earings, ring and necklace.
 And a ship clock to match her basement theme of ships and lighthouses. 
 And yes if you were wondering we were able to get Britt and Tony involved. 
Wednesday April 10. We were able to drive down to drop Jordan off at the M.T.C.
 We went to Golden Corral before dropping him off. Joseph enjoyed himself. 


Good Luck Jordan, you will do great and  Happy Birthday Maria!!

Joseph's Birthday Party

We celebrated Joseph's birthday a week early on Sunday. Jordan, Jason's brother, was leaving on his mission on the following Wednesday, the 10th,  two days before Joseph's real birthday. Jordan wanted to be present so we decided to celebrate a week early. On Sunday April 7, 2012.

French Toast for his birthday breakfast. 

 Lots of great family over for dinner and cake. 
The whole crew
 We had Favorite Lasagna (which he loved the first time his grandma Lewis made it for him) and salad.
Left to right: Uncle Jordan, Aaron, James, Aunt Ariel and Sierra 

Great grandma Lemon and Beya

Left to right: Grandpa Lewis, Grandma Lewis, Tina and Mike Watson

Left to right: Grandpa Lemon, Alyson, Zach, Chris, Great Grandma Lemon, Beya, Martha Ann & Danik
Cake and Ice Cream for dessert. A puppy cake to represent his love for his doggie. It was a chocolate cake with Bavarian cream center and butter cream frosting. We severed vanilla and strawberry ice cream.
 Joseph got a different cake that was shaped like a football with a line down the center and three lines across. He first picked off all of the frosting and then start digging into the cake itself. We gave him ice cream and he put an entire scoop into his mouth. It only took a few seconds for him to start screaming because it was so cold.
 Present time.
A dog and a flashlight. He was in heaven. 
 This boy loves his dad, and is proud of it!

 After dinner, cake, ice cream and a bath it was time to say goodbye to everyone who came. We sat on the front lawn saying our goodbyes. 

It really was a great way to celebrate his first birthday. He seemed to of enjoyed himself. 
Happy Birthday Joseph!! We all love you dearly!