Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tidal Basin Walk

Joseph and I were able to go and visit the Roring (Tony, Britt & Jack) Family in Virginia. We really had a good time. I was sad to go but I was excited to see Jason. 

We were able to do some sight seeing. We first went to the Tidal Basin. It is a walk with the Jefferson, Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr. Monuments. 

Behind us is the Jefferson Monument.

Behind us here is the Washington Monument that you can see from the Tidal Basin walk. 

 They were good friends in this picture. YEAH!!


There were some beautiful waterfalls at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Monument.

Joseph had a good time and I loved the feelings that were at these monuments! 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amanda,

    You have done a great job with all of these photos. My favorite one is where Joseph and Jack seem happy with each other. I'm glad you were there during Cherry Blossom time - it's quite fantastic.
    I do know that Jason was one happy guy to have his family back. Love, Grandma Lewis
