Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Little Crawler

Back in February Joseph started to crawl. He follows me around the house. It is fun to have him crawling. 

 Here he is in the Kitchen with me. 
 When he first started crawling he would crawl to our entertainment center and open and close the doors without pulling anything out. This went on for weeks until he figured out how to open the door to his changing station/dresser and pulled out all of his burp clothes. Needless to say we have rubber bands on the doors to the entertainment center and the burp clothes were no longer needed so they are now packed away. 
 Since Joseph started crawling he started sleeping in some different positions, like this one. When he is tired, but not overtired, he will crawl aimlessly around the room. When we put him down in his crib he will continue to crawl aimlessly until he decides to drop off to sleep. At that point he will lay down wherever he is and fall asleep. It is amusing to go in hours later to cover him up and find him in these positions. 

His head is pointing towards the bottom of the bed.

This one is self explanatory.

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