Monday, May 20, 2013

Joseph and Vuya

On Saturday we got a dog. We picked her up from the Humane Society in Murray Utah. She is a Coton de Tulear. She is a hypoallergenic dog, loves children and has no family health issues. At first we thought it would be hard to adjust to having an adoptive dog but things seem to be going well. She follows us around the house and just loves to be in the same room as we are. She is very patient with Joseph as he is trying to pet (aka grab and pull) her. She is very mellow and loves walks. We have been giving her a walk in the morning and evening. This morning when we went to go for a walk,When I picked up the lease she started to spin in circles, full of excitement. I think she is a perfect match for our family. So far so good. Her name is snowy but we are going to call her Vuya ( means happy in  Xhosa).

Today around breakfast time Joseph was sitting in his high chair, I was getting him out and Jason had our dog on his lap. Joseph saw the dog on Jason's lap and said "doggie uh oh." (before Joseph intentionally drops something he says uh oh.) I cleaned him up and away he went over towards Jason and the dog, these are the pictures I got of him in the process.

By the way the dog jumped out of Jason's lap before Joseph did anything. It was very cute to hear him form his first sentence with the words he knows.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Growing Leaps and Bounds

Joseph is a great eater. Today we had a large banana, an entire PB&J sandwich and some cookies for lunch. He was so proud of himself and I am of him too.  Almost every day he eats something of this size about four to five times a day. Soon we will be out of a house. :)
Speaking of a house, our offer was accepted and the appraisal is done. We should be able to sign next Friday. We are so excited to be moving one step closer to our long term goals. YEAH!! 
We received the new toddler car seat yesterday!! I was so excited I went outside when the ups man showed up. I had looked into almost every car seat imaginable and this one made the cut. It fits behind the drivers seat, that was my major concern. Once I got it I realized it doesn't need to be re threaded when adjusting the height of the straps. Yeah! Hassle free. it also rotates towards me so it is easy to take Joseph out of the car. Here it is.....

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Daddy's Little Helper

Jason was doing Mom Lewis' dishes after dinner and Joseph wanted to help. 
Jason puts the dishes in, Joseph Takes them out and .....

Kezie licks them clean.
Kezie leave the utensils to Joseph.

This is Joseph's interpretation of his dad at the computer

 Move the mouse. Check
 Push me (Joseph) away. Check
Type as fast as you can go before I (Joseph) return. Check

Growing up to be just like dad. 

Joseph, Our Little Learner

After arriving home we realized that Joseph learned some things from his cousin Jack.
For Example.....

Being Daring
Joseph stood outside of the tub, he raised onto his tip toes and over he went into the tub. It was amazing. He plopped down and headed over to the left corner to play with his octopus water toy. He was so excited to be home he reacquainted himself with everything he could.  

Throwing his food onto the floor 

 I wish I had a picture for this one but I do not. His new thing is to pose for himself in front of a mirror. Our favorite pose is when he tenses his whole body and then tries to caught what he looks like. It is hilarious. 

He caught on very quickly and is very observant. I wish in some ways and not all. 


Our last day, we got to go see the butterfly exhibit. I planned my flight around this exhibit  It was wonderful. We could tell Joseph loved the butterflies. He would stare intently at them. 
we were a little late so we got to go into the next group and we were at the front of the line. YES!!

 Brittany has one on her finger(left) and back(right) and Joseph is staring off at another butterfly.

 He is a bit Hesitant.

 Beautiful Butterflies. I am so happy I organized my trip around the free butterfly exhibit. Thank you Brittany and Tony for the wonderful time. We loved it!

Washington D.C. Temple

It was a wonderful way to spend our Sunday. We went to the temple. On the grounds is a visitors center where there was some really neat things inside. Lots of interactive things. Joseph was able to computerize color the Salt Lake Temple. 

 I love these trees! They are gorgeous!
Keep holding it a little longer!

Mom I told you I don't like Jack near me, What if he Claws my face again?

The Mall Walk

On the 20th, Saturday, We went to see the WWII, Korean, Vietnam and Lincoln Memorials/Monuments. 

 We wanted Jordan to know that we were thinking of him, so we took a picture of and Joseph in front of North Carolina. At this time he was still in Utah but would be leaving Monday (two days) for his mission. How excited I am for him to serve the Lord for two years. One of the best choices I have made in my life.

 Another great choice I made was to have Joseph. He is such an amazing little boy. Very tender and sweet. Here he is at his birth place at the WWII memorial. 

This top picture is the view of the Lincoln monument as we were approaching it. the middle picture was of a band playing in front of the steps to the monument. 
Proof that Jack clawed Joseph
 There was an amazing feeling once I stepped inside the area where Lincoln sat. 

This was the Korean War Memorial.

We went to Britt and Tony's friends for a BBQ that evening and we finally got a picture of Walden, Jack and Joseph. By this time Joseph was done with little kids- He had been hurt too many times. Unfortunately this was the best picture of all three of them. It's not bad they are just not all smiling and happy. :)