Monday, May 20, 2013

Joseph and Vuya

On Saturday we got a dog. We picked her up from the Humane Society in Murray Utah. She is a Coton de Tulear. She is a hypoallergenic dog, loves children and has no family health issues. At first we thought it would be hard to adjust to having an adoptive dog but things seem to be going well. She follows us around the house and just loves to be in the same room as we are. She is very patient with Joseph as he is trying to pet (aka grab and pull) her. She is very mellow and loves walks. We have been giving her a walk in the morning and evening. This morning when we went to go for a walk,When I picked up the lease she started to spin in circles, full of excitement. I think she is a perfect match for our family. So far so good. Her name is snowy but we are going to call her Vuya ( means happy in  Xhosa).

Today around breakfast time Joseph was sitting in his high chair, I was getting him out and Jason had our dog on his lap. Joseph saw the dog on Jason's lap and said "doggie uh oh." (before Joseph intentionally drops something he says uh oh.) I cleaned him up and away he went over towards Jason and the dog, these are the pictures I got of him in the process.

By the way the dog jumped out of Jason's lap before Joseph did anything. It was very cute to hear him form his first sentence with the words he knows.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Sounds like a great addition to your family :)
