Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Mall Walk

On the 20th, Saturday, We went to see the WWII, Korean, Vietnam and Lincoln Memorials/Monuments. 

 We wanted Jordan to know that we were thinking of him, so we took a picture of and Joseph in front of North Carolina. At this time he was still in Utah but would be leaving Monday (two days) for his mission. How excited I am for him to serve the Lord for two years. One of the best choices I have made in my life.

 Another great choice I made was to have Joseph. He is such an amazing little boy. Very tender and sweet. Here he is at his birth place at the WWII memorial. 

This top picture is the view of the Lincoln monument as we were approaching it. the middle picture was of a band playing in front of the steps to the monument. 
Proof that Jack clawed Joseph
 There was an amazing feeling once I stepped inside the area where Lincoln sat. 

This was the Korean War Memorial.

We went to Britt and Tony's friends for a BBQ that evening and we finally got a picture of Walden, Jack and Joseph. By this time Joseph was done with little kids- He had been hurt too many times. Unfortunately this was the best picture of all three of them. It's not bad they are just not all smiling and happy. :) 

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