Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Joseph, Our Little Learner

After arriving home we realized that Joseph learned some things from his cousin Jack.
For Example.....

Being Daring
Joseph stood outside of the tub, he raised onto his tip toes and over he went into the tub. It was amazing. He plopped down and headed over to the left corner to play with his octopus water toy. He was so excited to be home he reacquainted himself with everything he could.  

Throwing his food onto the floor 

 I wish I had a picture for this one but I do not. His new thing is to pose for himself in front of a mirror. Our favorite pose is when he tenses his whole body and then tries to caught what he looks like. It is hilarious. 

He caught on very quickly and is very observant. I wish in some ways and not all. 

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